Lesson 84 – When the Spirit Is Resisted

Acts 7:51

"You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you."

    These proved to be fighting words. Soon thereafter, Stephen, one of the church's first deacons, was stoned to death, partially for inflaming the crowd through these very words.

    Assuming Stephen spoke through the Spirit's influence, we find in these words a stunning truth. Whenever we resist the Spirit's touch, God sees us as those outside of the family of God, "stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears".

    For unbelievers, the truth is clearest. When one refuses the Spirit's call, they remain in their sins. In as since, they still need to be cut away. Whereas Old Testament circumcision was a sign of God's covenant with Abraham to make him a great nation, the New Testament testifies that circumcision of the heart is what makes one a part of the family of God. Without this circumcision, one's heritage, even if of Israel, leaves the unbeliever an outsider to the family of God.

    As believers, we also find ourselves resisting the Spirit's leadership. While we welcomed God's salvation, when it comes to daily living, most of us struggle to let go and follow the Spirit. To us, the Lord says we are "stiff-necked". We're like a horse that refuses to turn as the reigns are pulled. We'd rather go our own way, usually down a path of sin.

    When this happens to us, it is as if we're not really a part of the family of God. We've left our first love, giving our hearts back to the world. We've simply quit listening to the Spirit, as if we have a covering over our ears. Quite frankly, we don't hear because we choose not to listen. In a sense, we need to be circumcised again by the presence of God.

    Of course, this doesn't mean a new salvation, for a circumcision is a one- time event. Still, we need to recommit to our covenant relationship with God, one in which we give our heart, mind, souls and strength fully to our Lord, allowing the Spirit to cut away all sin and disobedience.


Lord, I thank you for the cutting presence of the Spirit in my life. May my heart and ears always be ready to respond to your will and call. Amen.

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