Lesson 15 – When the Spirit Identifies the Lord

Matthew 22:43-45

He said to them, "How then does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying: 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool"'. "If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his Son?"

Talk about a difficult passage. Jesus purposely catches the Pharisees, the most religious men of his day, in what they must have heard as a riddle. Jesus essentially asked, "How could the coming Messiah both be the Son and David and the Lord of David?" In response, the Pharisees were silent. They spoke not a word.

Like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, so many people who are religious simply don't want to accept Jesus as the promised holy one of God. The Jewish Messiah. The Savior of the world. When they see Jesus, they simply see a gifted teacher, or a prophet of God, or even one who should be condemned as a hoax. But certainly, they don't see Jesus as Lord. Otherwise, they would have to submit to him in faith.

It is only when touched by the Spirit can we know Jesus as Lord. Jesus tells the Pharisees it was when David was "in the Spirit" that he knew in faith the Messiah would be born of his offspring--but still somehow be Lord. Of course, he could not understand how this could be, but we can look back and see the work of the Spirit to bring about the Messiah's birth. In the Spirit, we believe that the Lord has come as a Son of David.

So often, the things of God are only revealed to us when we submit to the touch of the Spirit. God wants to tell us so many things, but unless we come to the Spirit in faith, we'll never be able to believe the Lord at his word.


I invite you speak to my heart by your Spirit. Reveal to me things that require the faith that only you can give through your Spirit. Amen.

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