Lesson 183 – When the Spirit Leads

Isaiah 63:14

"As a beast goes down into the valley, and the Spirit of the Lord causes him to rest, so You lead Your people, to make Yourself a glorious name."

I must admit the first phrase in this verse is for me still a question. God compares the leading of his people to give himself a glorious name to the leading of a beast into the valley to find rest. What's that all about?

I wonder what type of beast the Spirit had in mind when Isaiah penned this text. Was it a wild beast, like a mountain lion, stalking down into the valley to get a drink of water, finding rest for legs wearied by a hunting trip into the mountains? Or is the Spirit speaking of a domesticated animal, like a donkey, which travels into the valley as a surefooted beast of burden, finding rest at the end of the journey? Or most likely, some other reference which remains hidden to me?

Regardless, we're reminded it is the Spirit's touch which leads the church, bringing rest, and lifting up the glorious name of Christ.

In the Spirit, the church finds rest for our weary souls after an arduous journey to trying to become right with God by finding a righteous life. We're worn out, worn down, and without hope. All is lost. But as the Spirit indwells us through faith in Jesus Christ, our sins are overshadowed by the holiness of Christ upon us, sin is defeated and we find rest from the guilt which is rightfully ours—and God receives all glory!

As the church continues live out obedient lives in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord's name is lifted up within our communities. We become a people who no longer live for ourselves, but to make a name for ourselves, but to bring glory to the name of Jesus.

As a pastor, I encounter lot's of people who need to find rest, not only for sinful souls, but for lives which are ravished by the physical effects of sin. And even believers find themselves needing rest, as we disobey God's word in assuming the worries of this world as we try to make ends meet in the midst of chaos.

But the answer is given to all of us. Come to Jesus. Find rest for your souls. Be one who glorifies the name of Christ.


Lord, I seek the rest you offer to your church as we follow after your Spirit's leading. May the footsteps of my life be secure as I follow after you, all for your honor and glory. Amen.

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