Lesson 141 – When the Spirit Creates

Psalm 104:30

"You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth."

While this verse specifically applies to the psalmist's praise of the Lord in terms of creating and sustaining the largest creatures of the seas, it also reminds us all life comes by the Spirit's touch. When it comes to the physical, our God is the master artist.

While we rightly value human life above others, and rightly so, since we are the only ones of God's creation made in his image, we'd do well to remember to also praise our Lord for the variety of life he's given. As Christians, we should be a people who go out of the way to see and be amazed at the magnificence of the Lord in the many aspects of his creation.

Unfortunately, many Christians are labeled with a reputation of so living for eternity's future that we ignore all God entrusted to us on this planet. While this reputation may be well-deserved, we need to turn things around so to be those most sounding the alarm for ecological conservatism.

As the church of Jesus Christ, we should be the one leading the charge for a return to environmental values. We're the ones who have a restored relationship with God, still charged as Adam and Eve in the Garden to husband the garden. We're to be the stewards of God's creation, and that includes valuing animal and plant life for more than what they offer in terms of food, enjoyment, sport, and other purposes.

While I'm certainly not calling for a movement towards valuing animals and plants as being equal with humanity, I think there is a long way we can go towards becoming a people who praise the Lord for all aspects of his creation.

As stewards, we recognize the trust God has given us as his agents in this life. We value what God has given us. We refuse to waste his resources. We live with hearts grateful for creation.


Lord, I thank you for your creation and the blessings they bring to my life and the picture they give of your magnificence. Amen.

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