Lesson 121 – When the Spirit Groans

Romans 8:22-23

"For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body."

Christians groan within ourselves, awaiting the coming of our Lord and the complete change of our physical bodies into those which will last us into eternity. Through the Spirit, we know there is more to our salvation then just a rebirth of the soul. One day, there will be a rebirth of the body. The mortal will become immortal.

And what makes our groaning possible? It is the touch of the Spirit within us that proves the hope to which we look forward.

As a person grows older, I think this groaning grows stronger within us. The longer we live apart from the physical presence of our Lord, the more we desire to be with him. When young, we see the world with new eyes, eager to try new things and explore the blessings laid before us. But as we grow more mature, the more we realize that the blessings of this life are fleeting, here today and gone tomorrow.

Just as our souls were made new in Christ, one day, so will our bodies. The Scriptures speak of no more tears, nor sorrows, death or pain. That is a time to come. That is a promise of the Lord. This is what we groan for.

Every human body seems to be a course of death once we pass age 30 or so. From that time on, things go downhill in a hurry, with death a certainty. It's no wonder we groan. Everyone hopes there is surely more to come.

As believers, we have the Spirit within to help us look forward to a new life in Christ. We know for certain that more fruits are coming, having received the firstfruits of our salvation already in the Spirit.


Lord, I thank you for the Spirit which helps me to look forward to a changed life in Christ, not just in the spirit, but also completely in this dying body. Amen.

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