Lesson 108 – When the Spirit Warns of Dangers

Acts 20:22-24

"And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

    I've always struggled with this passage. In my mind, a warning is intended to give protection from some danger. But for Paul, the warning must have been given for some other purpose, since he seems to have disregarded the warning according to God's will.

    Instead, maybe the Spirit's warning was as a test of Paul's determination, so as to give God glory when he obediently entered into danger by going to Jerusalem. Or maybe it was simply to prepare Paul's mind and body for the dangers that were surely to come. Regardless, what we see here is the touch of the Spirit as a warning.

    I'm convinced the Spirit still warns believers today. Sometimes, it will be as for Paul, either for God's glory or our preparations. Other times, the Spirit warns us when we're tempted to enter into a trespass against our Lord. The Spirit also warns when our paths are not lined up with God's will, turning us to another direction for our personal safety or security.

    Of course, a warning does no good if we're not listening for it or refuse to heed it. The children of Israel failed to consider God's warnings, and as a result, they suffered greatly for their sins. Remember that God warned them concerning the seating of kings, but they chose to have a king anyways. The result was a civil war and the dividing of the nation. God also warned them concerning the pursuit of idols. When they refused this warning as well, God sent other nations as enemies to bring about spiritual discipline.

    As children of God, we too suffer the consequences when we stray from God's warnings. God loves us too much to leave us to our own devices. The Spirit warns us of potential dangers, and when we ignore these warnings, God sends his discipline upon us.


Lord, I invite you to open my heart to your Spirit's warnings so that my life will be lived in obedience to your will. Amen.

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