Lesson 40 – When the Spirit Raises a Judge

Judges 3:9-10

"When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them: Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel."

    I've always been somewhat intrigued by the book of Judges, for there are no others like them in position or power over the course of Israel's history.

    Who were these men and women who served as the judges of Israel? How were those chosen, how long did they serve, did their service overlap with each other? What did they do to be recognized as judges? Were they anointed by the nation, were they elected in some manner? Were these judges like those of our courts today? Were they Israel's spiritual leaders or did they keep themselves to civil matters?

    While we can't reliably answer these questions, we can know for sure some things about these judges. For example, for most of the judges, we are told they were raised up by God to be a deliverer. We can safely assume all served in this like manner, even in those instances where we're told little about a specific judge. Also notice what the Scriptures say about Othniel. He served as judge when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. At the touch of God's Spirit, Othniel is empowered and equipped to serve as Israel's deliverer.

    The point to grasp today is to understand God is still in the business of raising up people whom he uses to serve his purposes. Man or woman, boy or girl, the Spirit touches believers in power when God desires to use us in his service. No matter where we go, or what we're called to do, we never go it alone, for the presence of the Spirit comes upon true servants of God as we're surrendered to God's purposes.

    God may not decide to use you as a deliver, but you can be sure his Spirit will come upon you when you're being used as an instrument in Christ's kingdom.


I invite your Spirit to come upon me as you lead me into service in your kingdom. May I never step out alone, always leaning upon your presence. Amen.

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