Lesson 34 – When the Spirit Leads into the Wilderness

Luke 4:1-2

Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry."

    What an understatement! After forty days of fasting, I'd sure be more than hungry. I can't even skip lunch without feeling lightheaded! And most of us would find ourselves almost dead after forty days.

    And what's this about the Spirit being the one who led Christ to do this almost fatal diet thing? I thought God would never lead us to any kind of discomfort in life. Doesn't he have my best interests at heart, and isn't he looking out for me?

    I'm old enough now to have learned that this kind of thinking on our part has the potential to leave us very disillusioned. Not only does the Bible not teach that God rewards believers with a peaceful, happy life, it is filled with examples of how God may choose to lead you into the wilderness, into life's storms, into suffering, persecutions and even to death. I've often said, that's not the way I would have invented my God, so surely there is truth in Christ.

    So how are we to respond to this truth, that the Spirit may lead us into the wilderness? The best answer is to be just like Christ. When led into the wilderness, he refused to give in to the temptations of sin, even when his needs were at the greatest. He held unto God's word and what it meant for his life, even in going to the cross for our sins.

    For us, the time to commit to being faithful to Jesus is before the wilderness times of life come upon us. We need to commit now to belonging to Jesus and remaining firm in our stand to live for the Lord. While this won't keep the wilderness experience from coming, it will help prepare you for the difficulties ahead.

    I also caution you about trying to figure out the reason for every trial that comes on you. While God may lay it out for you, in many, if not most cases, we may never know. But still, choose to remain committed to my Lord, even when the Spirit touches in a way to cause you to go into the wilderness.


May I be committed to you even during the wilderness. From now on, I commit to your grace, your love, your justice and your plans for my life. May you receive glory throughout every stage of life's journey. . Amen.

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