Lesson 95 – When God Cares

Acts 11:27-28

"And in these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Then one of them, named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world, which also happened in the days of Claudius Caesar."

    Who hasn't dreamed of being able to predict the future? With just a little foreknowledge, we could accomplish everything we've ever dreamed of, and end up with riches untold. Wish I could tell you that with the Spirit's touch you'd have these powers, but that's just not the way our God has chosen to do things when it comes to prophesy.

    In the Bible, there are few recorded instances where the prophets foretold the future, and most of these were related to warning of God's pending judgment or issued to protect God's people from some coming catastrophe.

    God used Joseph to interpret a dream which allowed Egypt to be make preparation during times of good before seven years of drought. Likewise, God used Jeremiah and a long list of prophets to call Judah to repentance before the coming of Babylonian armies. And here, God gives warning to the young church of a coming famine. In response, the church at Antioch reaches across racial lines to send money to believers living in Jerusalem.

    I wonder why God decided to forewarn the church of this famine? He didn't do the same for Christian churches in New Orleans before Katrina. He didn't give warning to Chinese believers recently killed by a huge earthquake. And countless believers have suffered loss which would have been prevented with just a little heads up. If God really cares for his church, wouldn't he use prophesy to help us head off our troubles?

    Without a doubt, God cares. The problem is, we simply cannot fathom God's ways nor God's plans for his kingdom, so when he chooses not to give warning, we're left confused or angry. According to God's sovereign plans, some people are ordained for wealth and some for poverty. Some are ordained for success and some for failure. Some are ordained for long life and some to a tragic death. But still, God cares. No one has ever cared for his church like Jesus does for his bride. We cannot judge God's love according to man's ideas.

    Wish I knew how the Spirit showed through Agabus that a world-wide famine was coming. Maybe he saw a burning bush like Moses. Maybe he witnessed a hand, writing on the wall like Daniel. Maybe an angel came and spoke God's truth. We simply don't know. When God decides to show the future through the Spirit, there are many ways he can speak. We simply need to listen and believe.


Lord, I thank you for caring enough to send your indwelling Spirit. I thank you for caring enough to protect your church and to build your kingdom. I thank you for caring enough to have planned all of my future. Amen.

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